Scott Reef is under threat from Woodside's monstrous Burrup Hub
The movement against Woodside's Burrup Hub is growing in WA. Thousands of West Australians are taking action to stop Woodside's disastrous plans.
Now, the WA EPA has made the common sense finding that you cannot build a massive oil and gas industrial zone over a coral reef system without having unacceptable impacts. But this story is by no means over. The EPA must still make its final recommendation, and the State and Federal Governments must still decide whether or not to allow Woodside to go ahead with its plans.
It's never been more important to stand up for Scott Reef and our climate.

What's at risk?
270km off the northern coast of WA lies Scott Reef - Australia’s largest stand alone coral reef atoll.
Scott Reef is teeming with life. Whale sharks migrate past on their way to Ningaloo. It’s a feeding ground for endangered pygmy blue whales. Green sea turtles travel thousands of miles to lay their eggs on the sand here.
What's the threat?
Fossil fuel giant Woodside wants to drill for gas at Scott Reef. It’s planning to surround Scott Reef with up to 50 gas wells - the closest being just 2km from the reef's edge.
Not only will this be a disaster for local wildlife, but Woodside's proposed Burrup Hub will be a climate bomb - belching out 6.1 billion tonnes of emissions.
What can you do?
The future of Scott Reef is in the hands of Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek. She will decide this year whether Australia’s most dangerous project goes ahead.
You can make sure Plibersek and the WA State Government knows West Australians are deeply opposed to Woodside's plans. Use our simple tool to email the WA and Federal Ministers and your local MP calling for them to reject Woodside's plans.
Please note, the most persuasive emails are personalised and make an emotional connection. Include an introductory paragraph that explains who you are, and why it is so important to you that the Minister takes action.
Australia is one of the sunniest, windiest places in the world. It could be a world leader on clean energy - if only Woodside wasn’t standing in the way.
Email your local MP and tell them you want a clean energy future, not Woodside’s dirty gas. State and Federal MPs have the power to stop Woodside - but they won’t act unless we let them know how we feel.
5 reasons to reject Woodside's disastrous plans
- Scott Reef is one of Australia’s most amazing - and untouched - underwater wonders. It’s home to hundreds of species, including fish, sea snakes, sharks, rays and sawfish. It’s also a vital habitat for protected species, including endangered pygmy blue whales and green sea turtles.
- The WA EPA has found in its preliminary advice that Woodside cannot manage the profound risks to Scott reef and its marine life. Woodside will be pressuring the EPA and governments to approve its outrageous proposal but the EPA’s role in protecting the natural environment must be respected.
- Woodside wants to drill up to 50 gas wells around Scott Reef. Some of the wells would be just over 2km from the reef itself. It wants to pump the gas to shore through a 900km long pipeline, running through two marine parks and straight past the Rowley Shoals, another of WA’s spectacular coral reefs.
- Woodside's safety record has been described by unions as 'diabolical'. If something went wrong, a well blowout could devastate Scott Reef - and the pollution could spread for hundreds of kilometres.
- The gas Woodside wants to exploit is a dangerous fossil fuel that would be a climate bomb, adding 6.1 billion tonnes of emissions to the atmosphere - causing more deadly storms, floods, bushfires and heatwaves.

Montara rig on fire in Sept 2009
It’s not too late to save Scott Reef - but we have to act now!
Make sure the Federal Environment Minister, Tanya Plibersek, the WA State Government and your local MPs know that you’re deeply opposed to Woodside’s disastrous plans. Our handy tool can send an email on your behalf in just a few clicks.